Member Benefits

As a BCBA member, you can expand your knowledge, obtain additional opportunities and better fulfill your responsibility to clients.


Continuing Legal Education
To keep members current on recent developments in law and in compliance with the regulations of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminars are presented throughout the year. There are an abundance of CLE courses available throughout the year. Typically, CLEs are sponsored by various sections of the organization.   Reduced rates for BCBA members.


Regular Updates on The Law
BCBA sections and committees routinely provide updates on recent cases, developments in law, and educational and business tips for those members who operate a practice. The Family Law section provides case law updates and has produced a reference manual that serves as a tremendous resource for family law practitioners within the county. The Orphans’ Court section has developed a reference book filled with forms used in the Bucks County’s Orphans’ Court. The Solo and Small Firm Practitioners section offers guidance in the business and management aspects of owning a practice, and provides assistance to any Bucks County Bar Association member who unexpectedly becomes disabled due to injury.


The Bucks County Law Reporter
The Bucks County Law Reporter, a weekly legal journal is included in the cost of membership.  The Law Reporter contains opinions handed down by the local bench, and explanation of the impact these opinions have in matters concerning Bucks County residents and businesses. Current opinions are published. The Bucks County Law Reporter also contains legal notes and news of interest to attorneys. Read more about the Bucks County Law Reporter.


This quarterly magazine is mailed directly to BCBA members.  theWRITS focuses on national, state and local matters that affect the practice of law within Bucks County, and activities of the Bar Association and its members that contribute to the welfare of Bucks County communities.  Read more about the theWRITS, or access a copy online.


Membership Directory
Know who is who. Available online for members, this valuable resource lists all members of the Bucks County Bar Association, their areas of expertise and special qualifications.


Special Member Discounts and Reduced Rates
Bucks County Bar Association members receive special discounts which is part of the advantage of being a member.  Local businesses offer reduced rates on services and products to BCBA members.


Committees, Sections and Divisions
Committees, Sections and Divisions for attorneys provide another opportunity to network within the Bar Association, discover colleagues with mutual interests and build a sense of camaraderie. Many develop CLE seminars and provide a registry of attorneys interested in temporary, part-time or per diem legal employment. The Young Lawyers’ Division is a prime example, providing services to attorneys who are under the age of 38 or in practice fewer than five years. The goal of the division is to assist these attorneys in becoming familiar with the Bucks County judicial system.


Networking Opportunities
Participate in networking events to meet and socialize with other members of the Bucks County Bar Association in settings that are informal, always civil and non-adversarial. Gain excellent access to opinions, experience and meaningful discussions with other attorneys and judges. Social functions conducted by the Entertainment Committee include a dinner dance, softball challenge, golf tournament, annual meeting, and other events.