Need A Lawyer?
Welcome to the Bucks County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) serving all of Bucks County. The LRIS is a public service of the non-profit Bucks County Bar Association. Each year the LRIS responds to thousands of callers, referring them to attorneys with experience in the appropriate area of law or to area agencies able to provide assistance.
The Bucks County Bar Association has established its Bucks County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral and Information Service to assist persons willing and able to pay usual and customary attorney fees in securing appropriate legal representation by referral to participants in the BCBA LRIS program. LRIS will endeavor to help an inquirer determine if the problem is legal by screening and when possible, refer non-legal matters to county, government or consumer agencies as appropriate. Persons identified as needing legal representation and who do not claim inability to pay an attorney will be referred by LRIS to a participating attorney. LRIS participation is open to all Bucks County Bar Association members having their primary office in Bucks County.Inquiries from those who appear to be financially unable to pay attorneys’ regular fees for legal representation regarding Civil matters should call the Bucks County Legal Aid Society at 215-781-1111, or, regarding Criminal matters call the Public Defender’s Office at 215-348-6473. If you do not qualify for free representation with either of these agencies, these agencies will determine if you qualify for a reduced rate through the Lawyer Referral Service Marginal Referral Program.
The Lawyer Referral and Information Service has satisfied thousands of clients. You will be referred to the type of attorney that you need located in your geographical area within Bucks County. The Lawyer Referral and Information Service can be contacted during business hours, Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 3:30pm, or you may leave a message on voice mail.
The Bucks County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service,
Make the Right Call to Find the Right Attorney.
Need a lawyer?… Call 1-888-991-9922.
Need a lawyer in a different part of the country? Find the Lawyer Referral program in that geographic area through the ABA national directory.
Click the image below.