Your Gift. Your Legacy. Our Shared Vision.

The Foundation’s tomorrow depends on what we do today.
Charitable giving can be an important part of the legacy you choose to leave. Making a gift to the Bucks County Bar Foundation through your estate plan creates opportunities for both our donors and the Foundation. Making this kind of charitable gift also grants you membership to our newly formed 1883 Society.
There are many ways to leave a legacy such as naming BCBF as a beneficiary of your estate plan or IRA, or establishing an income gift – like a gift annuity. Determining what gift is right for you is just as important as making the gift. The correct plan for you balances what you wish to accomplish for yourself, your family, and your charitable interests in your overall estate and financial plans. For general information on planned giving options, click here.
If you are interested in more information on the Bucks County Bar Foundation or our 1883 Society, please contact Emily Norman at 215-348-9413 or [email protected]. To become a member of the 1883 Society, please fill out the attached enrollment form and return as directed.
Thank you for considering a legacy that will continue your enduring support for the Bucks County Bar Foundation. We truly appreciate your help as we work to improve access to justice for all in Bucks County.
Thank you to our Founding Members:
Judith A. Algeo
Brendan M. Callahan
Melissa J. Cantwell
William H. R. Casey
Susan E. Dardes
Grace M. Deon
Elizabeth Wood Fritsch
William L. Goldman, Jr.
Julie D. Goldstein
Sean M. Gresh
Lawrence Grim, Jr.
Daniel M. Keane
John J. Kerrigan, Jr.
Jeffrey A. Liebmann
Dianne C. Magee
Tina Mazaheri
Frank A. Mazzeo
Joanne McCusker Murray
Jessica Pritchard & Mark Gibbons
Jeremy D. Puglia
Robert T. Repko
Sarah A. Ryan
Douglas J. Ryder
Lawrence R. Scheetz, Jr.
James M. Schildt
Mindy J. Snyder
Tyler & Sarah Tomlinson
Karen Ulmer
Melanie J. Wender
Shari R. Gelfont Williams
David Woosley
Elaine T. Yandrisevits